Owner : Jeddah Municipality
Status : Completed
• Development of 720,281 m2 of Jeddah North Cornich
• The project scope is to construct of 4,850 LM quay wall (2.5 -3.0 m H)
including shoring & dewatering works.
• Construction of fishing pier (125LM, 2450m2, 6 pavilion and 15 shades)
including pile works and WPC decking, the approximate capacity is 814 people. • Construction of taxi station (1,800 m2) including pile works and WPC decking.
• Construction of 3 beaches (10,000 people capacity).
• Mechanical and fire fighting works
• Electrical, lighting and fiber optics works,
• Landscape works (275,000 lm2), 7 kids playing areas and asphalt works.